Any group can become a polity: a church, corporation, a fraternity, a club. And they have gained power such as the Jacobin Club, Knight Templars, British East India.

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We at the Old Glory Club are laying the foundation for this at the pre-political level. Please do look in.

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"Does the Democratic Party suddenly become invincible in this scenario?" meh, importing new voters and enforcer looks a lot like a permanent solution to me...

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There is already one model for it with a mission, hierarchy, drive a long time ago. The Communist Party. Ex-Commie turned Catholic Douglas Hyde wrote how it was done in Discipline and Leadership.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

The same despair affected imaginative youths within the Roman Empire or the Chinese Empire. But new people always formed as a small mustard tree and collected their energy over time. This empire too will die. What is required is imagination communicated as a myth, such as “looking Backward” by Bellamy that inspired the new socialist movement in 1890. Create a inspirational myth and you will create a people hatching from the eggshell of the old.

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